Monday, January 14, 2008

Current Event

This article is about how Myspace is going to adopt new online safety standards to better protect children from sexual predators. Myspace is going to add better technology to screen out underage users, and to develop age and identity verification technology. Both Myspace and Facebook have come under attack by regulators for not doing enough to police their sites to shield minors from predators. Texas is the only states that this agreement is not in. MySpace said it would review every image posted to its Web site, strengthening the technology that enforces the minimum customer age of 14, and that it would default user profiles of 16- and 17-year-olds to a private category. However, one good myspace is doing is slowly jailing all of the sex offenders in the community.

I really thuoght that this artice was rediculous. Becuase to an extent it is the childs fault to ensure their safety. They really shouldn't be giving out private information online.

1 comment:

bluemonki01 said...

i dont think myspace will ever be able to control their site for sure ,cause people lie and find ways around it all. so why waste the time.