Tuesday, January 22, 2008

1. intrepid - fearless
2. trepidation - fear

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This picture is from FEAR FACTOR. in Fear factor the players face their worst fears.

3. despondent - hopeless
4. decorum - well mannered
5. aspire - to reach a really high set goal
6. vacillate - to change opinions

7. desultory - lacking order Image and video hosting by TinyPic
A riot is very desultory. I picked a riot becuase of the fact that riots do have have order.

8. fallacy - a false belief Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Cinderella is a fallacy.
9. formidable - causing fear
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This charactor is very formidable in Scary Movie 2

10. heritage - practices that are handed down from the past by tradition
11. guru - an intellectual or spiritual guide or leader.Image and video hosting by TinyPicGhandi is a guru. He is very good at keeping the peace.

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