Disinterested: not interested; indifferent.
This is a picture of a student not being interesting, "Disinterested", in the task that they are completing.
Aggravate: to annoy; irritate; exasperateThis is an example of where my personal aggravation comes from. When you see me do this, and you shake on it, you have to have your shoulders touch the floor unless you intercept it by raising your hand into a monicle type but this cannot be done if you have already looked me in the eye. you get punched in the stomach if you don't go down. the sophomores claim to have made this game up, those kids aggravate me.
Blantant: offensively noisy or loud;
This is a picture of me and my two really good friends. we are very blantant both when were not together and when we are.
Zealous: Overly enthuastic
This is a picture of my co-worker Larry, Sometimes he appears zealous about his job as the sports chalet bike man. He got me a flower and I plan on keeping it forever. I was a little zealous myself upon recieveing my flower. If I was a 40 year old single women I would marry larry.
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