Thursday, December 6, 2007

Barder and the flying turban- creative writting

“Here you go Barder”, says Check as he hastily shoves the spoon of peanut butters into Barders big, dry mouth. The dog gracefully accepts it. Graceful is definitely not a term in Chuck’s vocabulary. “Billy!” Chuck calls, as a young boy, about 4 appears sporting a blue shirt and ripped jeans “What have you been up to?” ignoring the question Billy precedes to the kitchen petting Barder. He tells Chuck that he is going to take Barder on a walk. All of a sudden Barder disappears outside before Billy gets the opportunity to tie the lease or collar to Bader. Quickly he runs outside after Barder; he jumps down the stairs and lands on Barders back. The dog all of a sudden hides under a bright orange table cover that later Billy uses for headgear because it gets stuck. Barder, attracted to the bright orange ball-like thing in the sky tries to jump for it. Billy says to Barder that it is just the sun. Barder doesn’t comprehend that. The dog continues to jump. Until finally he ascends into flight. Billy, being so excited decides to take off the bright orange head gear, as it couldn’t really see wit hit on. When he does this the boy and the dog both descend back into reality. Barder is sad; story of his life- reaching for something he can never have.

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