Monday, March 31, 2008

Book report!

Dahl,Roald. James and the Giant Peach. Puffin 1996
Reason: the setting changes greatly. The beginning of the book the mood is amazing-as his parents live in such a great place and they dream of someday visiting New York City. I selected this book because I remember reading it when I was younger and I remember forgetting all about it and wanting to read it again. I mean its spring break so I figured I’d pick a book that I really wanted to read. The book takes place in the 1900’s sometime. I do not exactly know when because I do not believe that it is ever completely specified.
Plot: The story is based around a young boy named James. His parents die after a terrible accident with a rhinocercerous. He is then forced to live with his two seemingly evil aunts- Spike and Sponge. He always dreams of visiting New York City, as his parents always talked about visiting such a place. At one point in the book his dream comes true. This is when a stranger appears with a “bagful of magic”. Among others things it changes insects into real life characters and causes an ordinary peach to grow to enormous proportions right inside his backyard. Him and the insects all travel to New York City within the peach. James is the leader of the group. James comes up with a plan to fly the peace away from the “marauding sharks” . they plan to do this by getting the insects to use their varied talents for the benefit of the others. Long story short- they escape the dangerous Cloud-Men who throw all kinds of weather at the peach. After a while the crew finally lands on the Empire State Building-located in New York City. There is a huge city parade after which James lives in the pit of the peach in Central Park and tells stories of his breathtaking adventure.
Character: James is the main character. I pity him so much but I do not believe that he is someone that should be pitied. I feel like he can really handle his own stuff. He seems strong but he is so young. But he shows everyone that he could handle himself when he takes the leadership role within the peach.
Evaluation: I liked the novel. I thought it was a good break from the serious reading that I have been doing recently. I think everyone should read it because it is seriously such a good book.
This book really doesn’t compare to real life whatsoever, but the lesson that I took from it is that life’s not that bad.
I think I would of acted in the same way as James because if I was that young I wouldn’t of known what to do.
Author- Roald Dahl has surprisingly created many famous children’s novels. At this point in my life I don’t think I’ll read anymore of his work unless I’m in search of a laugh or unless I’m reading it to my future million kids!

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