Lisa and I's friendship is a lucidity-we both just make fun of everyone and that keeps us entertained.
2 conciliatory-To regain or try to regain (friendship or goodwill) by pleasant behavior.
3 countermand-to revoke or cancel
Josh often countermands our plans, but the times we do spend together are interesting.
4 acumen- Keen Insight, shrewdness
I have never met someone who displayed as much acumen as this man. He was extremly insightful. however, I didn't realize this until later becuase of the fact that I was too busy trying to make him stop hitting on me.
5 insurrection- an act or instance of rising in revolt, rebellion
6 fidelity-loyalty, accuracy, exactness
7 complicit-choosing to be involved in an illegal or questionable act
When I decided to take part in Freddy and Alex's complicit act, I didn't know that they would want me to jump on top of a cart and pretend like I was flying.
8 steadfast-steadily directed, firmly fixed in place or position
9 emancipation-freeing someone from the control of another.
If I was an emancipated minor I would move to Cuba so I could smoke Cuban Cigars!
10 bolster-to support with or as with a pillow or cushion
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