Wednesday, May 28, 2008


I do not believe that ethics is something that could be taught in school. Ethics is just a fancy word for morals. Its like teaching a kid manners-he’s not always going to use them. Manners aren’t really taught in school so why would ethics be part of the curriculum. It would be literally impossible to fail a kid based on their ethic skills. What would an ethics class incorporate? What kind of assignments can you give a person in order for them to learn such a valuable skill? Its like learning to whistle. I think ethics should be in a separate school- kind of like a manner academy. I doubt anyone could get anything out of this lesson if they don’t pay attention and realize the value of it-which many will not. Graduation requirements would be sketchy if they had to include ethics. The state would not be able to mandate such a law because everything is based upon personal. It is a personal belief, not a universal truth. It couldn’t be a universal truth because everything is based upon personal values and beliefs. It can’t be taught it has to be acquired through experience.

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