Tuesday, April 15, 2008

epitome - a person or thing that is typical of or possesses to a high degree the features of a whole class
revere - to regard with respect tinged with awe
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He was a very revered business man.
vertigo - The sensation of dizziness
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When you experience vertigo I usually end up throwing up.
punitive - inflicting punishment
slander - defamation
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I slandered a girl in 9th grade for making a flyer about her. I got suspended.
squander - to spend or use (money, time, etc.) extravagantly
panache - a grand or flamboyant manner
forlorn - lonely and sad
quell - put an end to
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He quelled the arguement by cutting off the guys tongue.
concision - concise quality
libel - to misrepresent damagingly
defamation - slander or libel
misdirection - Incorrect instructions or directions
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He had complete misdirection and actually went to Europe instead of Japan.

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